Rabu, 05 November 2008

syndrom pernikahan

i admit that lately g kena sindrom pernikahan..
haha..parah ya g...

me n my boyfriend were talking about getting married
so I dont think that I am a silly woman if I thinking about my wedding someday

I am so exited to get marry
even I haven't proposed yet,hahaha..
but let me be happy lah, at least there is something I am thinking & exiting about :P

g baca blog seseorang barusan,
tentang persiapan pernikahannya, really inspiring

i hope someday, at the time, I'll have mine too, soon ;p

ini cuplikan blog-nya yg biking mikir...:
So now i pray to God and be thankfull for the committment that we have, we might not have the luxury life and huge deposit with high rates, we migh not have a big house, we might not have the expensive car to drive, we might not have plasma tv, but hey...those things won't matter one day. At the end of the day, the only thing matter is having someone besides you, holding your tiny and wrinkle hands and gently kisses your wrinkle cheek and stays still with you till end.

*You won't find the one unless you decide to make him one*

..so sweet^^

1 komentar:

Gylda mengatakan...

so sweet! lu kena syndrom mau nikah? gw kena sinrom mau pacaran, hahaha