Senin, 15 November 2010

Keianna Janson

Akhirnya 9 bulan penantian berakhir bahagia tanggal 02 November 2010.
Our lovely baby was born by SC.
We, me & Jan proudly present :
"Keianna Janson"
She was little small, only 2.740 grams & 47cms height.
She is sleeping a lot, only wake up because of dirty diapers or hungry.

Baby Kei, mommy & daddy love you so much.

Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

latest up date

tgl 12 Oktober 2010 g cek rutin k dr. Hardi Susanto,
baby Kei agak kecil ternyata, hanya 2360gr saja..
dan ternyata karena mata minus g yang cukup parah (terakhir tes minus 7)
g dinyatakan harus ceasar.
Karena ceasar, maka harus dimajukan 2 minggu sebelum due date yg semula dijadwalkan tgl 14 november 2010.

beruntung jg ikut senam hamil yoga tiap sabtu di RS Royal Taruma.
dari konsultasi dan tanya jawab dokter g tau kalo minus di atas 6 sangat beresiko untuk melahirkan normal, karena pd saat ngeden, korne mata bisa copot atau pecah (seramnya...)

makanya pas selasa lalu waktu kontrol g tanya dokter, dokter bilang 1 minggu sebelumnya pasiennya ada yang mata kirinya mengalami pecah kornea karena dia ga kasih tau kalo minus matanya parah..
ya, dokter juga ga nanya
kudunya dokter tanya : ibu matanya minus ga? minus berapa?
hari gini emang kita yg harus proaktif ya...

ya sudahlah, daripada buta (amit2) mending keluar uang banyakan buat ceasar dan siap2 dioperasi (so scary..) trus semoga tar after operasi g cepet kentut & ga gitu nyeri bekas blek nya.. hiks

dokter bilang g bisa choose tanggal, antara 1-4 november, ga ada tanggal bagus..
ya, g mengimani tiap tgl itu bgs d...g udah berdoa yg terbaik untuk Kei.
Jd g putusin ( belum final2 banget ) buat di ceasar tgl 2 november saja..biar Kei sama daddy nya ultah di tanggal yg sama. hehe
tp beda sebulan...

semoga semuanya lancar pd waktunya, amin

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

happy october!

Yatta 10 gatsu ni hairimashita.
Jikan o tatsu no wa hayai da ne...
Ato 3kagetsu mou soro2 shinnen, toshi o toru ne^^
Rainen mo 30dai no obachan ni naru :D
Maa ne, shikata ga nai darou :p

Kyou wa totemo kimochi ga ii,
ichinichijuu kawaranaiyouni oinorishimasu.
Totemo Kamisama ni kansha itashimashite, kyou mo ashita mo itsumo genki de
shiawase na jinsei o tsukurou to omotte imasu.

Ninshin no koto wa mou 33shuukan Itsukakan da yo...
akachan mo ookiku natta.^^
Soro2 okaasan ni narimasu, happy da ne...
Jinsei wa mochiron zenzen kawarimasuga, kore kara mo ii okaasan ni naru you ni
Mochiron, shuujin ni mo ii okusan de, family ni mo ii kyoudai ni natte hoshii.

Minna-san mo itsume ogenki de ne...^^

Jumat, 24 September 2010

masa penantian

menanti baby yg bentar lagi akan lahir ke dunia
my lil baby girl
g gampang banget capek akhir2 ini, rasanya sangat ingin segera cuti hehehe
tapi harus menguatkan hati biar tar bisa sama2 baby lebih lama
naik ke lantai 3 capeeeeeeknya bukan main
trus engap2 an n kudu istirahat beberapa waktu...
mungkin krn g kurang olahraga, jadi ya gitu deh hehehe

kemaren k dokter lagi
baby is getting bigger..skrg udah 1795gr
so happy to see her growing, her daddy is so happy too^^

Jumat, 17 September 2010

32 weeks

My pregnancy is 32 weeks now..
baby Kei is doing great
last week when i saw doctor, her weight is 1520grams.
I hope everything will run smoothly & I can deliver my baby naturally
God bless me and family

we almost done with the preparation, bought 90% of baby's needs
clothes, baby box, baby tuffle, stroller, car seat, sleeping bag, pillows, blanket & so on..

we have to save & save for delivery cost but i believe that God is good.
He is our shepherd, He knows all we need.

Selasa, 07 September 2010

we are moving

we are moving from apartment to new rent house at Tomang Utara
I am glad I have big bed now & feels like home because compare to my apartment the house is much much bigger.
I, Jan and little Kei's room is in 1st floor, Ike's room is in 2nd floor.

Things that I thank God for our new house is :
1. we have big kitchen
2. there are living room
3. a room for Purezento's stuff
4. a room for maid
5. finally working well air conditioner
6. near by my antie's house

Things i missed from my old place :
1. There are no mosquitos
2. Dont need sandals at home
3. If we have problem with water, we just call maintanance
4. So close to toilet ( I wake up at least 2 or 3 times at night to pee )
5. more secure parking lot.

well, everything has good side and bad side right?

btw, tommorow we will have lebaran holiday, yeaaay!
can't wait for Jan to come home
happy holiday everybody!

Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010

Saigon Trip

8-11 August 2010

members of group :
- me & kei
- jan
- grandma
- chacha
- endro
- maya
- gilda

Vietnam was ok, there is no many tourist spot..
but we visited :
- chu chi tunnel
- ben tamh market ( twice )
- hard rock cafe ho chin minh & debenhams
- big c
- notredame chatedral
- central post office
- several shops

we didn't go to mekong, i don't think that it will be interesting...

vietnam's good points:
- cheap
- so many park at downtown
- quite place
- not so hot

lalu lintas vietnam parah jg kaya jakarta, bnyk bgt motor...
untungnya mobil disana sedikit, jd relatif ga macet...

Jakarta jauuuuuuuuuuh lbh berkembang n pesat, mal di ho chin minh kaya ga laku..
sepi n kecil

but we enjoyed the trip :)

Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

Little Kei

Hi there..
another up date about my lil baby ( not only mine :D but also daddy Jan's lil baby, auntie Ike's, auntie Astrid's, auntie Maya's lil Kei )
I saw dr. Hardy yesterday..
I feel bad these few days, capek, mual, like masuk angin
yesterday i threw up many2 times...:(
doctor said there is nothing wrong with my pregnancy, the baby is very healthy ( that's the best news mom want to hear...)
He said there must be because of my bad diet ( I think so..I hate foods near my office, there is no interesting food that make you want to crave it )
He was right, i had a fight with Jan monday night, he told me bad things so i hurt so much
I hope we wont have another fight anymore, that was so tiring.

Kei is 760grms and 25 weeks now..
She is healthy & moving a lot lately
I really can't wait to see her...
Be a good girl lil baby, grow and grow
Mommy & daddy will be the happiest person in the world on the day you is born

I hope i can be the best mom you ever expected
Jesus will take care of you of course, and mommy & daddy will do the best for you..
Lil Kei, you know how much I love you..

Selasa, 20 Juli 2010

It's a girl

yes, it's a girl!

my baby girl is 23 weeks now..
can't wait for up-coming 17 weeks to hold & kiss her
I hope everything will going smoothly & God will bless both of us.
me & Jan hope i can deliver naturally...
Pray for us :)

Senin, 14 Juni 2010

adorable babies

Baby is so cute...
I hope my lil baby will be cute too :)

Baby Samantha

baby kioko

Baby Jordan

Baby Gwyneth

baby 4 months

Kamis tgl 10 juni kemaren kontrol lagi ke dokter Hardi Susanto di RS Family.
Baby was healthy, Thanks God.
My hubby arrived in time at 6.30 from Bali, right before the nurse called my name.
Baby udah 12.66 cm & 185 grms.
I am glad to see it again :)
Baby was healthy but we don't know yet about the sex.
Baby, keep healthy.
Mom & Dad love you, just can't wait for 20 weeks from now to see you in the world :)

Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

hello there..

long time i dont post anything here..
yeah..i am a good writer & dont have many interesting things to write down
today my boss is not in the office for 9 days ahead
it don't really effect me since i still have to come to office in 7.30 in the morning and stay until 16.30 in the afternoon & doing my job.
maybe there wont be plus plus job if he is not around but still i hate to wake up in the morning, have a shower & have an hour trip to get here.
i am becoming a very lazy woman lately
i dont like to move, my stomach even haven't become big
easy to get tired, easy to get dizzy, want throw up almost everyday

i am thinking to quit job after labor with several reason :
1. i want to see my baby grow
2. i dont like to see my baby hugging other people like babysitter or pembantu that seems dont really care about cleaness.
3. i heard a story about baby sitter who rent baby to a bagger while the baby's mother is working
4. heard another story about baby sitter who gave sleeping pills to baby so it wont be annoying her.
5. i want teach many things to my baby
6. if i keep working full time, i only can meet my baby at the night :(

but i still need income...
i need to find another part time job so:
1. i will still have money by my own
2. i wont get bored & feel i am useless

i hope God will lead my way ^^

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

the baby's up dates

yesterday i went to doctor
the baby is 7.8cm now
already has perfect body structure
has 2 hands, 2 tiny legs
heartbeat is normal
it is so healthy & i am a happy mommy to be

Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

judul sinetron indonesia

minggu lalu waktu mau k FX ike bilang judul sinetron indo lucu
beda bgt sama serial barat kaya :
1. The OC
2. Ugly Betty
3. ER
4. The Gost whisperer
5. Friends
6. Desprate housewifes
7. Beverly Hills 90210
8. Glee
kalo Indonesia pasti judulnya aneh2 n panjang :
1. seindah senyuman winona - as beautiful as winona's smile
2. anakku bukan anakku - my child is not my child
3. cinta fitri - fitri's love
4. manohara - woman's name
5. si doel anak sekolahan - doel school boy
6. candy - girl's name
7. bidadari - angel
8. Cinta marvel - Marvel's love
9. Melati untuk Marvel- Jasmine for Marvel
beda bgt kan judul sinetron indo ma serial barat.
bayangkan sinetron indo judulnya :
1. teman-teman
2. pembisik hantu
3. gawat darurat
4. betty jelek
5. istri-istri putus asa funny
sama lucunya kayak judul serial barat : Alicia, Elisabeth, atau Emily (kaya judul sinetron indo yg suka pake nama cewek)
Britney lagi bermasalah dibuatlah serial : Britney
trus si rihana dipukulin, dibuatlah sinetron : Rihana
hahahaha....lucu juga

marriage is falling in love many time..with the same person

so sweet this title is
especially when it comes from a man's mouth

even in my dream, i dont think my hubby will make that kind of speech for me whole life
he wont even try
i will always remember he even don't try harder to remembered our wedding vow.
he said his vow without looking at me ( yes, i am a lil bit sakit hati )
he said a vow to church bench and to the book at his hand
not to me...i feel so pitty
i did nervous too but i can remembered that short vow.
but, what can we say, i already get married to him.

i dont know, maybe he dont feel so much love to me
i feel ignored sometimes..
not much attention, not much love...
he just didn't show it or he just didn't feel it...

Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

13 weeks

i feel this morning sickness getting worst
i feel like throwing up almost all day
feel hungry but want to eat nothing
all the foods make me wanna throw up
i usually bought food but then dont wanna eat it at all...
feel terible T_T

i feel dizzy & tired all day
feel sleepy & pegel2 at my feet, my back, & my neck
stomach ace & laziness
i really cant wait for next 24 weeks

baby, i do love you
but for now, i feel terible :(

Senin, 03 Mei 2010

flea market

g, ike, cha, maya & gris berkolaborasi ikutan flea market di FX
aneh deh, namanya flea market tp banyaaaaaak bgt yg jual brg baru
(most of them malah...)
Ike ma Gris awalnya dah maluuuu hehe
Tapi senangnya dagangan kita laris manis
soalnya kita jualnya murah2..
baju2 Gris malah bnyk yg masih bgs2
walau g jualannya ga gitu banyak ( ga sebanyak Gris & Ike ) tp g ttp senang melihat brg2 yg ga kepake itu bisa berguna buat org & menghasilkan tabungan buat baby g hehehe...

tak sabar tgu minggu depan, karena beberapa teman akan bergabung
wish us luck!^^

Jumat, 30 April 2010

another week has gone

yes! times do fly
akhirnya jumat lagi
i really dont wish time going as fast as it is now
but sometimes when there is nothing to do
or there's only routine job
we all got sick

i am tired thinking tommorow i have full day job
teaching japanese & indonesian
i only can cheer myself
chayo, chayo!
we have to save for our baby

one hour to go
i am happy because i dont have to feel any longer boring day
have a nice weekend everybody :)

Kamis, 29 April 2010

mati kebosanan

klien diminta surat jalan ma faktur ga kirim2
kerjaan g dah kelar
ga tahu mau ngapain bengong 9 jam disini :(
pengen pulang n leha2 aja rasanya
hiks, bos g ilang ga masuk kantor
4.5 jam lg sebelum pulang :(
oh my!

Rabu, 28 April 2010

finding passion

orang kok bisa bercerita panjang lebar ya di blog?
gue kok ga bisa
rasanya pengen nulis sesuatu tp begitu halamam posting terbuka
ide2 lenyap begitu saja hehehe...

lagi mikir n cari ide nih buat kerja atau usaha apa yg ga usah full time tapi duitnya tetep ok.
buka cabang pure baru?
atau buka online shop? tp komoditinya apa?
must be something cute & unique...
g dah cari2 ide dr waktu di jpg dulu
sampe beli buku2 ttg felt, boneka jpg, atau resep2 kopi & makanan untuk kafe
tapi sampe detik ini juga buku2 tersebut belum menunjukkan nilai gunanya hehe
cari inspirasi dimana ya?
should i give up my job first to find something that is my passion?
yg pasti FTM alias full time mother is not my choice
i would die & become stupid slowly but sure

gue dah beli buku karangan rene suwardono "my job is not my carier"
tp belum sempet baca :p
g masih berkutat baca Anne of Windy Poplars
masih pengen deh punya perpustakaan kaya Hendra di bandung dulu
seru kayanya punya banyak buku & disewain buat cari duit
tapi hari gini masih ada yg mau nyewa buku ga ya?hehe...

i hope i will find my passion soon :)

Kamis, 22 April 2010

so wanna shopping

liat shopping list for maternity yg naujubile banyaknya
jd pengen shopping...hiks2
tp lg cekak ni..
lagian sp aku butuh brg2 itu kynya msh lumayan lama juga hehe
ah..senangnya klo ada kartu kredit tanpa limit yg ga usah dibayar
i will go to mothercare & shop like crazy

Rabu, 21 April 2010

mari berbahagia

semua temen upload foto bayi mereka di facebook
most of them, for honest, is not cute
no smile on face...
i saw axioo (my favorite) photo this afternoon,
i saw a very cute lil baby named kioko zoe,
she is so adorable
full of smile
i think what people told me is true
mommy should be happy than baby will be a happy baby too...
i'll try to always be happy now on
no stress, no much thinking about this & that, no worrying things

let's be happy with mommy lil baby to be :)

Senin, 19 April 2010

pondok si boncel

bday celebration

finally kesampaian jg buat ngadain pesta ultah di panti asuhan
karena di gereja pernah dibagiin brosur, jadi g milih PONDOK SI BONCEL ini
kata org2 si panti ini bnyk donaturnya
mungkin bener sii tp anak2nya keliatan sangat haus perhatian & kasih sayang

MC nya Griselda
trus ada g & Maya yg kolaborasi buat ngadain acara ini
Chacha, Ike, Endro, Jan & Carina ikut juga

Acaranya games, hias cup cakes & bagi2 goodie bag
mungkin karena mereka masih kecil jd acaranya agak semeraut & agak susah diatur
belepotan fla pas hias cup cakes & ada yg berantem juga

Tp seru kok, kapan2 mau adain acara gini lagi ah..


argh emosi g
kemaren jalan ma maya
celebrating her bday
mkn2 di PI
menatang2 dia dah kurus n bergaya sekarang
ketemu g dia langsung bilang:
ce, anakmu pasti cowok, soalnya kucel
sigh, kurang asem, g emang ga suka dandan dudunk!
g dah mengorbankan 415.000 g buat beli foundation make up forever
sial seenaknya blg g kucel
menyebalkan bgt!
mentang2 pk high heel tinggi n g sendal teplek
trus baju bergaya & g dress bali
hiks-hiks, aku sakit hati

Rabu, 14 April 2010

me, miss piggy

duuuu kok g berasa laper mulu ya?
pagi ini sudah melahap :
1. 1 bungkus kecil bissmart
2. 1 risoles
3. 1 potong bika ambon
4. 1 smoked beef sandwich
dan skrg jam 11 kurang 10 menit g kelaparan...hiks2
ada apa gerangan dengan perutku? :(

Senin, 12 April 2010

when you decided to get married with someone...

why people want to get married?
1. we are human, we can't live alone
2. we need to share, in good times and bad times, family is important but they can't stay rest of our life with us, friends are important but they have their own life
3. we need to have children, Christian said the propose of married is to have children.
4. etc...

in younger age, we dreamt to get married with handsome, rich and gentlement prince of charming, but the fact in real world: there is no such a fairy tale
when you are getting older, you maybe still wanna get married with good looking guy, or married someone rich, or good person is just fine for you
It is to difficult to find Mr. Perfect who has all 'good criteria' in one package..

what i want to share here is about one annoying man (my relative) who bother me so much.
he is old, forthy something but really doesn't behave at all
he is crazy of getting married
hurrying her ma to make a party for him
he even dont have a proper job
but got new house & car from his nice brother (how lucky he is)
after all his attitude is so..... unbearable
he is like a child, mommy should accompany him to find a shirt & suitcase
mommy should pay all his party cost
mommy arrange prewedding photoshot for him
if 'mommy' is not asking me to accompany him too, it will be fine for me
last saturday, i have to go to shopping mall with them until 9 pm
that almost killed me
i was exhausted, i had to work in the morning, then have to spare time for this childish person, sungguh tak rela
my stomach was so hurt me that night that i worried so much about my baby

today he is taking his prewedding photoshoot
he went to bridal with my lil sis, can you imagine, forthy something man should have accompany to have photo shoot...
why don't he ask someone to accompany him while making love?

i feel pitty for her wife to be...
i hope she has tons of patient.

tok, tok, tok...i knocked on the table...
i am pregnant but i have to share
girls, find a responsibility man, don't look at his family's richness,
if he is not willing to work, it's useless...

Jumat, 09 April 2010

i am amazed

kemaren jadwal g ke dokter
pulang kantor, jemput ike ke TA langsung cabut k RS Family
kehamilan g 9 minggu skrg
kalo berdasarkan perhitungan, baby nya bakal lahir tgl 14 November
i can't hardly wait ^^

hasil USG kemaren, babynya udah 2cm & it has heartbeat already...
it was so tiny but I am SO AMAZED

i hope my baby will grow properly & healthy
may it will be PERFECT
God has create it for us & for universe.

Baby, mommy can't stand to see you grow...
I already fell in love with he/she
I ll give you my best & hope you will become a great HUMANITY in the future.

Senin, 05 April 2010

lazy monday

people mostly dont like monday
i dont always hate monday
but since i got pregnant, i became a very lazy lady
all i wanna do is lying all day in my bed
dont like hanging out, dont go to movies, no more mall @ weekend
i really going to be a PIG

after long weekend, going to office is very toughful :(
now, i have to cheer up myself & start working.
Happy working everybody!

Senin, 29 Maret 2010

sabar...oh sabar...

g baru bilang ma ike kalo g ngerasa lbh sabar pas hamil
kemaren kesabaran gue diuji
supir yang udah g kasih kemudahan masuk siang hari sabtu n minggu
pas minggu kemaren jam8 blm nongol
padahal g hrs k gereja jam segitu...
g misa jam 8.30
g telpon dia blg kesiangan, oh my! i can't wait for him
alhasil g berangkat sendiri...
semalam g sms dia, kalo nyampe rumah langsung naik ke apartemen buat angkutin barang
eh, td pg g liat sms dia blg, bukannya hr ini dia libur?
oh my gosh! kapan g blg dia libur?
g bilang kmrn dia libur aja, masuk selasa gantinya
mana ada bilang senin libur?
ampun ga sih?

trus hr ini g dpt email sotoy dr lakinya temen
oh plis, org2 jgn sok akrab d...bkn best friend pk judging org
meni sedih catetannya Lus.. Tp ga percaya kl elo py finansial problem, paling cuma tabungan elo ga sebanyak dl sebelum married hehe..
Married emang ngabisin uang sih tp emang perlu jg kan, sekali seumur hidup lg jd ya, kalau duit byk sih, ngeluarin uang byk sekali sih ya gpp :) nanti jg uang byk lagi Lus, elo kan berdua ker, ada usaha jg, ya nanti jg ya ngumpul lg. Lagian kalo elo ga py uang mah ga bkl an maen2 ke bali, kt jg belum pernah hehe..
Sent via Facebook Mobile

dia komen notes g di fb tgl 8 jan 10

oh plis, g tahu di dunia ga semua org menyenangkan
but judging others you dont know much is so.......annoying yet unfair.

g terlalu sensi mungkin but just dont like people who like to mencampuri urusan org lain...
lagian dia mana tahu kondisi keuangan g yg sebenarnya..

Senin, 22 Maret 2010

twenty nine

here i am
twenty nine years old today...
i have had a precious gift from God
a lil baby
i already celebrate it with family last week
today, I am doing nothing
since i feel like to throwing up all the time
I want to eat nothing..
i wish my & Jan's dream will come true this year
before the baby born
i wish we can have enough money to buy a house
for our family to grow day by day..
i wish the baby is growing healthy & will become a great humanity in the future
just wish me...

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

mom to be...

i feel sick since thuesday
i thought it was because i drunk a cup of es kelapa agak2 basi
perut g seharian ga enak, badan g jg rada2 meriang
trus g minta dipijetin mbak malemnya
rabu- g msh ga enak bdn, hajar 2 bgks antangin
kamis- msh ga enak jg
tambah mual2
trus akhirnya setelah curhat2 ma tmn g, tmn g blg hamil kayaknya, g k dokter d
karena g udah telat 10 hr juga
ternyata setelah di usg emg hamil...
cepet ya? i still amazed, but anyway Thank God!
g blm ksh tahu Jan, it will be tonight surprise
he will be really really happy
I am so sure about it
I am going to Bali tonight, i hope i can still have fun biarpun mual2 n agak puyeng
hope mom & baby to be will be fine always^^

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

6 tahun...

6 tahun yang lalu
sebuah kehilangan besar dalam hidup gue
orang yg paliiiiing g sayangi harus g relain pergi
sampai detik ini, i keep asking
what if mom still here...
what if mom still alive today
i can makes her dreams come true, not all but part of them i think..
today, she already left for six years,
but she still living in my hearts, my mind, & my memorries
she is the best thing i ever received

GBU always mom,
may God always showering you with happiness in heaven.

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

rude people

don't have any respect to others
just think about themself
so hate this kind of people...

Kamis, 04 Maret 2010

Apa Sih Arti 1 juta?

copied dr blog Wina
karena g merasa ini bnr bgt & hrs bgt bt dilakuin...

Wednesday, 03 March 2010

Coba deh jawab.
Apa sih arti 1 juta?

Makan ke resto sushi 5x?
Tagihan HP 2-3 bulan?
Bensin seminggu? Lebih kali.
Bayar fiskal! Jaman dl sebelum pemegang NPWP bisa gratisan
Ongkos sekeluarga ke mall dlm 1 weekend
Belanja baju sekali ke Factory Outlet

Untuk golongan menengah ke atas, 1 juta itu sekejap! Tapi untuk orang lain, 1 juta itu artinya besaaar sekali...
Gue mohon sekali!
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2) Berdayakan orang lain

•Ajak mbak-mbak, pembantu, babysitter, supir, satpam, tukang kebun untuk buka rekening : Tabunganku. Ada di lebih 70bank + 1000BPR
•Mau lihat uang jadi pinjaman u UKM, cobain lihat ke sini ya :
Buat gue dan tim QMFinancial, PR itu ditambah satu lagi. Kami terlibat dalam sebuah proyek besar dengan Yayasan Sahabat Wanita (YSW).

Akhirnya QMFinancial akan punya program Corporate Social Responsibilty yang nge-gong banget! Sumbangannya bukan berupa uang bergelontoran, tapi betul-betul sesuatu yg "Finance Should be Practical".

Ceritanya adalah, YSW bekerja sama dengan beberapa koperasi wanita. Ternyata banyak banget lho perempuan di negeri ini yang gak mau duduk-duduk aja lihat keuangan keluarganya kekurangan. Mereka pun jadi anggota koperasi, menyimpan dan memberi pinjaman, dan menerima pinjaman kalau punya usaha kecil-kecilan.

Hari ini gue hadir di sebuah pilot project. Memberikan penjelasan bagaimana mengelola uang usaha dan keluarga. Bersama Putra Sampoerna Foundation, kami membuat sebuah buku besar judulnya "Panduan Keuangan Keluarga". Buku ini akan digunakan dalam workshop dengan ibu-ibu koperasi, mudah-mudahan di seluruh negeri ya!

Setelah seminar 1 jam, waktunya gue dan tim untuk duduk bareng ibu-ibu ini. Mereka bisa langsung praktek, mengisi lembaran-lembaran buku panduan.

Pertama mereka harus mengisi "Catatan Keuangan Usaha". Ada omzet, ada pengeluaran. Banyak wiraswasta asyik ngomongin omzet, lupa kl margin laba yang jadi tujuan.

Catatan ini bisa dilakukan harian - untuk pedagang mie, dilakukan per kejadian - untuk perias pengantin, dilakukan per bulan - untuk pengusaha travel atau dilakukan per tahun - untuk pemilik rumah petak.

Hasilnya sama.

Penjualan (Omzet) - Pengeluaran = Laba/Rugi.

Kalau sudah ada Laba, harus diapain? Bagi menjadi : "gaji" dan "tabungan modal usaha".

Jangan berasa gaya dulu jadi wirausahawan kalau gak bisa "gajian" dari usahanya.

Tabel : Catatan Keuangan Usaha

(Download disini, 29KB)

Berikutnya, para ibu-ibu ini harus memindahkan "gaji" nya dari Catatan Keuangan Usaha ke Catatan Keuangan Keluarga.

Di sini, catatkan apa saja penghasilan dan pengeluaran keluarga. Berarti sekarang ada sisa lagi. Sisa ini harus dibagikan dalam pos-pos tabungan. Bisa jadi modal usaha, pendidikan anak, dana kesehatan, sampai tabungan untuk naik haji.

Tabel : Catatan Keuangan Keluarga

(Download disini, 29KB )

Sederhana, praktis.

Salah satu ibu menunjukkan keuangannya sama gue. Dia berjualan kue bawang (whatever that is! Sumpah gue gak kebayang kue nya kayak apa hehe)

Selama ini Ibu Saedah (sebut saja namanya begitu) tidak pernah memisahkan pengeluaran jualan kue ini. Hari ini gue dan Ibu Saedah asyik berhitung berapa sebetulnya omzet dan pengeluaran dagangan kue itu. Ternyata hasilnya, setelah ditarik jadi gaji dan tabungan modal usaha, dikurangi pengeluaran keluarga, Ibu Saedah masih punya sisa! Rp 80.000 per bulan.

Rp 80.000 x 12 = Rp 960.000
Hampir 1 juta!

Ibu Saedah melongo. Gak terbayang punya simpanan sebesar itu. Gue colek si ibu.

"Bu, ingat ya ini cuma di atas kertas. Jadi harus dikerjain. Jadi setiap bulan, uang sisa Rp 80.000 nya mana? Masukin ke amplop ini ya bu!"

"Bisa ya mbak 1juta dalam 1tahun?"

"Bisa bu! Tapi dikerjain beneran. Duitnya mana? Masukin dalam amplop. Beneran ditabungin ya Bu!"

Gue belum pernah lihat sinar mata secerah sinar mata Ibu Saedah hari ini.

Sambil berjalan pulang, dari jauh si Ibu dadah-dadah dan berteriak dengan riang gembira:
"Mbak! 1 juta dalam satu tahun ya!"

Gue berusaha keras menyembunyikan tangis haru...

Finance Should be Practical
Ligwina Hananto

Rabu, 03 Maret 2010

happy march

i got 1 birthday whises today from old friend hahaha
still 19 days to my birthday :D
what i want for my birthday?
no specific whises, i am not lil girl who wish for something in birthday anymore...
i ask God for wisdom, health & wealthnes :p

i am gonna celebrate my bday with Jan at Bali
& plan to do birthday party at orphanage with Ike^^
i am old now, this year is my last twenties..
I am old but very happy ^^

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

things that makes me happy

tag from Gilda...

1. lying in the bed at night right before i fall to sleep, especially when i just changed the bed sheet

2. nimbang & berat g ga naik

3. having money in my account

4. sleep until 9 am & dont have to rush that day

5. vacation with family

6. menang undian

7. my hubby drive me to the office

8. jalan tol ga macet n g bisa sp TA jam 5 lbh dikit

9. jualan g laku

10. made no mistakes at the office

11. if i can help people

12. bisa cuti 30 hari dalam setahun will really really make me happy

Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

long week end

yeay! i love holiday :D
tommorow we (me, ike, n my office's personal & family that contains only 3 people) will do outing to Anyer
biarin deh kata org ga seru jalan2 3 family doank yg notabene g ga deket ma mereka
at least ya g jalan2 gretong..hehe
i hope we ll have fun tommorow!

Senin, 22 Februari 2010

Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

Reason to Smile

Heart of Gratitude!!!

A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: "I am blind, please help." There were only a few coins in the hat.

A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words.

Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, "Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?"

The man said, "I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way."

I wrote: "Today is a beautiful day but I cannot see it."

Both signs told people that the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign told people that they were so lucky that they were not blind. Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective?

Moral of the Story: Be thankful for what you have.. Be creative. Be innovative. Think differently and positively.

When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear. Keep the faith and drop the fear.

The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling…

And even more beautiful is, knowing that you are the reason behind it!!!

Enjoy your day with a heart of gratitude.

1 month wedding celebration..

I was cruel
I felt that my hubby is cold person because he didn't gave me anything on valentine's day..
I was wrong, he gave me a present last night for our 1 month wedding celebration
he gave me floral skirt & a card, it was so sweet
He wrote : if there is 1 month celebration, there would be 1 year, 10 years, 50 years celebration..
I know he is not a romantic guy, but i know want thing : he want to make me happy & he loves me..
Even he doesnt show it the way i wanted it, he shows it in many different way..

Love you Honey ^^

Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Things around you...

sometimes time is like flying

baby is becoming a child
children are teenager now
we are become older day by day..
you dont even recognize that everything is changing...

it is so sad seeing people around you are not belong to you anymore
what you can keep for yourself only yourself , your spouse & God

i am thinking a lot lately..
even you try hard, you cant make everything the way you want

i made up my mind to let it be...
just follow the wind flow..
and dont wanna stuck here
i have my own future & my own happiness

Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

life is present, be thankful

Seorang lelaki berumur 92 tahun yang mempunyai

selera tinggi,percaya diri, dan bangga akan dirinya sendiri,

yang selalu berpakaian rapi setiap hari sejak jam 8 pagi,

dengan rambutnya yang teratur rapi meskipun dia buta,

masuk ke panti jompo hari ini.

Istrinya yang berumur 70 tahun baru-baru ini meninggal,

sehingga dia harus masuk ke panti jompo.

Setelah menunggu dengan sabar selama beberapa jam di lobi,

Dia tersenyum manis ketika diberi tahu bahwa kamarnya telah siap.

Ketika dia berjalan mengikuti penunjuk jalan ke elevator,

aku menggambarkan keadaan kamarnya yang kecil,

termasuk gorden yang ada di jendela kamarnya.

Saya menyukainya, katanya dengan antusias seperti seorang

anak kecil berumur 8 tahun yang baru saja mendapatkan seekor anjing.

Pak, Anda belum melihat kamarnya, tahan dulu perkataan tersebut.

Hal itu tidak ada hubungannya, dia menjawab.

Kebahagiaan adalah sesuatu yang kamu putuskan di awal.

Apakah aku akan menyukai kamarku atau tidak,

tidak tergantung dari bagaimana perabotannya diatur

tapi bagaimana aku mengatur pikiranku.

Aku sudah memutuskan menyukainya. Itu adalah keputusan yang kubuat

setiap pagi ketika aku bangun tidur.

Aku punya sebuah pilihan; aku bisa menghabiskan waktu

di tempat tidur menceritakan kesulitan-kesulitan yang terjadi

padaku karena ada bagian tubuhnya yang tidak bisa berfungsi lagi,

atau turun dari tempat tidur dan berterima kasih atas bagian-bagian yang masih berfungsi.

Setiap hari adalah hadiah, dan selama mataku terbuka,

aku akan memusatkan perhatian pada hari yang baru dan

semua kenangan indah dan bahagia yang pernah kualami dan kusimpan.

Hanya untuk kali ini dalam hidupku.

Umur yang sudah tua adalah seperti simpanan dibank.

Kita akan mengambil dari yang telah kita simpan.

Jadi, nasehatku padamu adalah untuk menyimpan sebanyak-banyaknya

kebahagiaan di bank kenangan kita.

Terima kasih padamu yang telah mengisi bank kenanganku.

Aku sedang menyimpannya.

chinese new year

when i was lil girl, i was so excited of chinese new year
it means a lot of new clothes (mama always bought us 10 pairs of new clothes, new pajamas, new underwear, new shoes, new hair accesorries, wew, i can imagine how much mama loved us & how much money she spent for us), many good foods, and the most exciting thing, ANGPAO :p

when i getting older, the excitemend gone little by little
especially when i finished my college & start working

this year, no good food, no new clothes, no more ANGPAO
after get married, i should give ANGPAO to elder family like grandma or parents and younger sibling & cousins...

i wonder, will my future children excited of chinese new year someday?

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

so trauma........

kemaren dapet kabar kalo yichong, suaminya tante, masuk RS karena jatuh..
g pikir jatuh ya jatuh, ternyata bukan jatuh biasa...
bukan jatuh biasa karena dia udah pusing duluan baru jatuh
pas jatuh kepentuk mulut dan hidung, trus ngocor darahnya
kata tante si banyak...trus yichong pingsan
tante bilang si getting better...
tapi semalem ike ngetok kamar g, katanya yichong dipindahin k icu
darahnya drop parah & butuh 12 drum darah (ike memang terlalu dramatis)
alhasil kita nyebar2in info via fb,bbm k org2 sp jam 2 malam
i hope yichong will getting better soon...
let's pray for him

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Senin, 08 Februari 2010

apes oh apes

tangan g kena luka bakar lagi..
kali ini yang kiri
tepat di pergelangan tangan waktu g lagi goreng perkedel jagung
sakit? ga usah ditanya lagi...
sekarang lagi melendung n gateeel luar biasa
g ga tahan ah
tar mau k dokter
wish me get well soon

Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

good friend & not-good friend

i really dissapointed by some friends..
i invited them to come to my wedding & they dont come either dont say a word about the absence.
i think i ve mistaken thinking they are friend but they are not...

Selasa, 02 Februari 2010


telat banget yaaa..........hehe
RESOLUSI g tahun ini
bulan Agustus beli rumah baru


Thanks God for our 1st day Sales

actually this is my & my sister's project
we share the capital & run this bussiness together
for 1st day sales, we really thank God for it..
We hope people wont get bored with our product...

Please come & visit
MTA 1st floor (in front of Mc D)

Senin, 01 Februari 2010

Grand Opening

I proudly present :
Grand Opening of Purezento Store at MTA
Lt. 1 in front of Mc D :)

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

new chapter

happy new year...:p
telat banget ya...hehehe

sibuk banget ni...
udah H - 4
cepatnya waktu berlalu...

blm sempet review apa yang udah dicapai tahun lalu
dan belum bikin resolusi juga...
soon deh...
just wish me luck ya sabtu ini
may God bless me jd smua lancar, amen