Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

super headache today

hari ini ada meeting management..
dan kepalaku sakit bgt.. (ga ada hubungan ma takut meeting :D)

Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

the ugly truth

i saw this movie with my brother
a comedy movie, konyol but funny in some part
tadinya g pikir drama, ternyata g salah hehe..

Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009

100 days to go to my day ^^

100 is good number right?
g mengeluh banyak hal belakangan ini
i should have not :p
i should feel grateful rite?
at least : i am gonna get merried, i ll have a friend for the rest of my life,
i am gonna be a quenn for a day..
see, i am so blessed :p

100 days to go..
let's make it perfect!^^

Senin, 05 Oktober 2009

new bag :p

yesterday i went to grand indonesia to buy myself a dress for my another outdoor prewedding photoshoot
i got a warehouse red dress, a necklace, two pairs of earings, a belt
then this bag..

i still want a black Charles & Keith shoes & a black clucth
i am so ready for both photoshoot & party :p

Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009

sutoresu ga tamatteru..

kepala gue rasanya penuuuuh bgt
mumet ni :(

mbak yatih minta berhenti hari ini
kurang ajar kan?
dia baru sms td pagi & hp dia ga aktif setelah itu..
brengsek kan?

mungkin dia udah ngerencanain ini
g makin curiga karena duit bazar kurang 406.000
duuuh pala g bnr2 penuh
hate this situation so much >_<

Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

my busy day..

one thing i learned recently is
human is not an angel
we can't multi tasking everytime
i tried hard to make everything runs smooth at the same time
but the fact is all that i am doing is kacau balau
i dont concentrate in doing things
so nothing runs perfect, sadly...

yesterday, when i calculate sales of UPH's bazaar at Gris's house
we found out there are big number of selisih (what is selisih in english? please remind me..)
i dont know what cause it
i know one thing, i might be loose some money this time
& i should be careful next time

i am doing too many thing at the same time,
i am tired
my apartment is like a big mess now
i only go home for sleep & leave at early morning
i hope, i can manage my time better & get everything doing right...
please help me God