Jumat, 21 November 2008

my 'jimat'

me & my bf called it 'jimat' hahaha...
why we called it 'jimat'? because it can make us feel much-much better after drinking it...
when we are in 'pdkt' step, we found out that both of us like drink this jamu if we feel 'ga enak badan'...
I woke up this morning dengan punggung amat sangat pegal & jauh dari segar...
I slept at 11 pm though... so after breakfast I took this 'jimat' & i feel better, not much but better...
well, today is friday & I think I am gonna rest in my fitness routine...
I have plan with my sister, Chacha, we are gonna spend time together tonight, maybe hang out at any cafe or whatever & she will sleep over at my apartment tonight

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