Senin, 23 November 2009

hi there

so long time i dont write..
miss you much blog
i am so busy doing this and that :D

now, almost the end of november
i am still preparing my wedding
almost done, but still need touch in everywhere..

i really wish i can have a full week break so that i can sleep,
beberes rumah, and do my financial calculating...

so many things to tell
just dont know where to start

2 komentar:

Gylda mengatakan...

tau ga sih ceeeee, pas lu semua berhepi2 dan beria2 di kawinan.. gw akan menghadapi FINAL EXAM BUSINESS LAW GW! tepat jam 7 sampe jam 9 waktu indonesia. it sucks! huhuuhu..

Keianna Janson mengatakan...

oh ya?
that's the exact time of my wedding party..
poor you T_T