The Potato Pies Two Side To Every Coin Lyrics
Are you happy, are you depressed?
Are you naked or fully dressed?
The way forward is behind us
Get annoyed but try not to make a fuss
The world is a never ending sphere
If you die you'll dissapear
Are you happy, are you sad?
Are you joking, are you mad?
Tell the truth or lie
No- one knows if you live or die
Do you smile or cry?
Don't ask questions, just ask why
Why cry when you are glad,
Or are you always sad?
Where are we going to?
What have we been through?
Is it good or bad for you?
The number of sides to a coin is two
There are three, everyone knows that
There's the edge that makes it fat
kenapa g ngebahas dua sisi mata uang adalah karena kadang2 g liat
klo kita seringkali melihat masalah hanya dari 1 sisi
kita sering menilai segala sesuatu hanya dari 1 sudut
mencap seseorang hanya dari cerita atau perkataan 1 org
it's not fair...
g sering egois, ingin selalu didengarkan
ingin selalu diiyakan, ingin selalu dituruti...
g sering ga mau tahu apa yg ada dalam benak orang lain
apa yg orang lain rasakan
rasanya ga adil ya?
apalagi jika dari cerita kita, kita buat orang lain jadi bercitra buruk di mata orang2
i feel bad for that
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