yes! times do fly
akhirnya jumat lagi
i really dont wish time going as fast as it is now
but sometimes when there is nothing to do
or there's only routine job
we all got sick
i am tired thinking tommorow i have full day job
teaching japanese & indonesian
i only can cheer myself
chayo, chayo!
we have to save for our baby
one hour to go
i am happy because i dont have to feel any longer boring day
have a nice weekend everybody :)
Jumat, 30 April 2010
Kamis, 29 April 2010
mati kebosanan
klien diminta surat jalan ma faktur ga kirim2
kerjaan g dah kelar
ga tahu mau ngapain bengong 9 jam disini :(
pengen pulang n leha2 aja rasanya
hiks, bos g ilang ga masuk kantor
4.5 jam lg sebelum pulang :(
oh my!
klien diminta surat jalan ma faktur ga kirim2
kerjaan g dah kelar
ga tahu mau ngapain bengong 9 jam disini :(
pengen pulang n leha2 aja rasanya
hiks, bos g ilang ga masuk kantor
4.5 jam lg sebelum pulang :(
oh my!
Rabu, 28 April 2010
finding passion
orang kok bisa bercerita panjang lebar ya di blog?
gue kok ga bisa
rasanya pengen nulis sesuatu tp begitu halamam posting terbuka
ide2 lenyap begitu saja hehehe...
lagi mikir n cari ide nih buat kerja atau usaha apa yg ga usah full time tapi duitnya tetep ok.
buka cabang pure baru?
atau buka online shop? tp komoditinya apa?
must be something cute & unique...
g dah cari2 ide dr waktu di jpg dulu
sampe beli buku2 ttg felt, boneka jpg, atau resep2 kopi & makanan untuk kafe
tapi sampe detik ini juga buku2 tersebut belum menunjukkan nilai gunanya hehe
cari inspirasi dimana ya?
should i give up my job first to find something that is my passion?
yg pasti FTM alias full time mother is not my choice
i would die & become stupid slowly but sure
gue dah beli buku karangan rene suwardono "my job is not my carier"
tp belum sempet baca :p
g masih berkutat baca Anne of Windy Poplars
masih pengen deh punya perpustakaan kaya Hendra di bandung dulu
seru kayanya punya banyak buku & disewain buat cari duit
tapi hari gini masih ada yg mau nyewa buku ga ya?hehe...
i hope i will find my passion soon :)
orang kok bisa bercerita panjang lebar ya di blog?
gue kok ga bisa
rasanya pengen nulis sesuatu tp begitu halamam posting terbuka
ide2 lenyap begitu saja hehehe...
lagi mikir n cari ide nih buat kerja atau usaha apa yg ga usah full time tapi duitnya tetep ok.
buka cabang pure baru?
atau buka online shop? tp komoditinya apa?
must be something cute & unique...
g dah cari2 ide dr waktu di jpg dulu
sampe beli buku2 ttg felt, boneka jpg, atau resep2 kopi & makanan untuk kafe
tapi sampe detik ini juga buku2 tersebut belum menunjukkan nilai gunanya hehe
cari inspirasi dimana ya?
should i give up my job first to find something that is my passion?
yg pasti FTM alias full time mother is not my choice
i would die & become stupid slowly but sure
gue dah beli buku karangan rene suwardono "my job is not my carier"
tp belum sempet baca :p
g masih berkutat baca Anne of Windy Poplars
masih pengen deh punya perpustakaan kaya Hendra di bandung dulu
seru kayanya punya banyak buku & disewain buat cari duit
tapi hari gini masih ada yg mau nyewa buku ga ya?hehe...
i hope i will find my passion soon :)
Kamis, 22 April 2010
so wanna shopping
liat shopping list for maternity yg naujubile banyaknya
jd pengen shopping...hiks2
tp lg cekak ni..
lagian sp aku butuh brg2 itu kynya msh lumayan lama juga hehe
ah..senangnya klo ada kartu kredit tanpa limit yg ga usah dibayar
i will go to mothercare & shop like crazy
jd pengen shopping...hiks2
tp lg cekak ni..
lagian sp aku butuh brg2 itu kynya msh lumayan lama juga hehe
ah..senangnya klo ada kartu kredit tanpa limit yg ga usah dibayar
i will go to mothercare & shop like crazy
Rabu, 21 April 2010
mari berbahagia
semua temen upload foto bayi mereka di facebook
most of them, for honest, is not cute
no smile on face...
i saw axioo (my favorite) photo this afternoon,
i saw a very cute lil baby named kioko zoe,
she is so adorable
full of smile
i think what people told me is true
mommy should be happy than baby will be a happy baby too...
i'll try to always be happy now on
no stress, no much thinking about this & that, no worrying things
let's be happy with mommy lil baby to be :)
most of them, for honest, is not cute
no smile on face...
i saw axioo (my favorite) photo this afternoon,
i saw a very cute lil baby named kioko zoe,
she is so adorable
full of smile
i think what people told me is true
mommy should be happy than baby will be a happy baby too...
i'll try to always be happy now on
no stress, no much thinking about this & that, no worrying things
let's be happy with mommy lil baby to be :)
Senin, 19 April 2010
pondok si boncel
bday celebration
finally kesampaian jg buat ngadain pesta ultah di panti asuhan
karena di gereja pernah dibagiin brosur, jadi g milih PONDOK SI BONCEL ini
kata org2 si panti ini bnyk donaturnya
mungkin bener sii tp anak2nya keliatan sangat haus perhatian & kasih sayang
MC nya Griselda
trus ada g & Maya yg kolaborasi buat ngadain acara ini
Chacha, Ike, Endro, Jan & Carina ikut juga
Acaranya games, hias cup cakes & bagi2 goodie bag
mungkin karena mereka masih kecil jd acaranya agak semeraut & agak susah diatur
belepotan fla pas hias cup cakes & ada yg berantem juga
Tp seru kok, kapan2 mau adain acara gini lagi ah..

finally kesampaian jg buat ngadain pesta ultah di panti asuhan
karena di gereja pernah dibagiin brosur, jadi g milih PONDOK SI BONCEL ini
kata org2 si panti ini bnyk donaturnya
mungkin bener sii tp anak2nya keliatan sangat haus perhatian & kasih sayang
MC nya Griselda
trus ada g & Maya yg kolaborasi buat ngadain acara ini
Chacha, Ike, Endro, Jan & Carina ikut juga
Acaranya games, hias cup cakes & bagi2 goodie bag
mungkin karena mereka masih kecil jd acaranya agak semeraut & agak susah diatur
belepotan fla pas hias cup cakes & ada yg berantem juga
Tp seru kok, kapan2 mau adain acara gini lagi ah..
argh emosi g
kemaren jalan ma maya
celebrating her bday
mkn2 di PI
menatang2 dia dah kurus n bergaya sekarang
ketemu g dia langsung bilang:
ce, anakmu pasti cowok, soalnya kucel
sigh, kurang asem, g emang ga suka dandan dudunk!
g dah mengorbankan 415.000 g buat beli foundation make up forever
sial seenaknya blg g kucel
menyebalkan bgt!
mentang2 pk high heel tinggi n g sendal teplek
trus baju bergaya & g dress bali
hiks-hiks, aku sakit hati
kemaren jalan ma maya
celebrating her bday
mkn2 di PI
menatang2 dia dah kurus n bergaya sekarang
ketemu g dia langsung bilang:
ce, anakmu pasti cowok, soalnya kucel
sigh, kurang asem, g emang ga suka dandan dudunk!
g dah mengorbankan 415.000 g buat beli foundation make up forever
sial seenaknya blg g kucel
menyebalkan bgt!
mentang2 pk high heel tinggi n g sendal teplek
trus baju bergaya & g dress bali
hiks-hiks, aku sakit hati
Rabu, 14 April 2010
me, miss piggy
duuuu kok g berasa laper mulu ya?
pagi ini sudah melahap :
1. 1 bungkus kecil bissmart
2. 1 risoles
3. 1 potong bika ambon
4. 1 smoked beef sandwich
dan skrg jam 11 kurang 10 menit g kelaparan...hiks2
ada apa gerangan dengan perutku? :(
pagi ini sudah melahap :
1. 1 bungkus kecil bissmart
2. 1 risoles
3. 1 potong bika ambon
4. 1 smoked beef sandwich
dan skrg jam 11 kurang 10 menit g kelaparan...hiks2
ada apa gerangan dengan perutku? :(
Senin, 12 April 2010
when you decided to get married with someone...
why people want to get married?
1. we are human, we can't live alone
2. we need to share, in good times and bad times, family is important but they can't stay rest of our life with us, friends are important but they have their own life
3. we need to have children, Christian said the propose of married is to have children.
4. etc...
in younger age, we dreamt to get married with handsome, rich and gentlement prince of charming, but the fact in real world: there is no such a fairy tale
when you are getting older, you maybe still wanna get married with good looking guy, or married someone rich, or good person is just fine for you
It is to difficult to find Mr. Perfect who has all 'good criteria' in one package..
what i want to share here is about one annoying man (my relative) who bother me so much.
he is old, forthy something but really doesn't behave at all
he is crazy of getting married
hurrying her ma to make a party for him
he even dont have a proper job
but got new house & car from his nice brother (how lucky he is)
after all his attitude is so..... unbearable
he is like a child, mommy should accompany him to find a shirt & suitcase
mommy should pay all his party cost
mommy arrange prewedding photoshot for him
if 'mommy' is not asking me to accompany him too, it will be fine for me
last saturday, i have to go to shopping mall with them until 9 pm
that almost killed me
i was exhausted, i had to work in the morning, then have to spare time for this childish person, sungguh tak rela
my stomach was so hurt me that night that i worried so much about my baby
today he is taking his prewedding photoshoot
he went to bridal with my lil sis, can you imagine, forthy something man should have accompany to have photo shoot...
why don't he ask someone to accompany him while making love?
i feel pitty for her wife to be...
i hope she has tons of patient.
tok, tok, tok...i knocked on the table...
i am pregnant but i have to share
girls, find a responsibility man, don't look at his family's richness,
if he is not willing to work, it's useless...
1. we are human, we can't live alone
2. we need to share, in good times and bad times, family is important but they can't stay rest of our life with us, friends are important but they have their own life
3. we need to have children, Christian said the propose of married is to have children.
4. etc...
in younger age, we dreamt to get married with handsome, rich and gentlement prince of charming, but the fact in real world: there is no such a fairy tale
when you are getting older, you maybe still wanna get married with good looking guy, or married someone rich, or good person is just fine for you
It is to difficult to find Mr. Perfect who has all 'good criteria' in one package..
what i want to share here is about one annoying man (my relative) who bother me so much.
he is old, forthy something but really doesn't behave at all
he is crazy of getting married
hurrying her ma to make a party for him
he even dont have a proper job
but got new house & car from his nice brother (how lucky he is)
after all his attitude is so..... unbearable
he is like a child, mommy should accompany him to find a shirt & suitcase
mommy should pay all his party cost
mommy arrange prewedding photoshot for him
if 'mommy' is not asking me to accompany him too, it will be fine for me
last saturday, i have to go to shopping mall with them until 9 pm
that almost killed me
i was exhausted, i had to work in the morning, then have to spare time for this childish person, sungguh tak rela
my stomach was so hurt me that night that i worried so much about my baby
today he is taking his prewedding photoshoot
he went to bridal with my lil sis, can you imagine, forthy something man should have accompany to have photo shoot...
why don't he ask someone to accompany him while making love?
i feel pitty for her wife to be...
i hope she has tons of patient.
tok, tok, tok...i knocked on the table...
i am pregnant but i have to share
girls, find a responsibility man, don't look at his family's richness,
if he is not willing to work, it's useless...
Jumat, 09 April 2010
i am amazed
kemaren jadwal g ke dokter
pulang kantor, jemput ike ke TA langsung cabut k RS Family
kehamilan g 9 minggu skrg
kalo berdasarkan perhitungan, baby nya bakal lahir tgl 14 November
i can't hardly wait ^^
hasil USG kemaren, babynya udah 2cm & it has heartbeat already...
it was so tiny but I am SO AMAZED
i hope my baby will grow properly & healthy
may it will be PERFECT
God has create it for us & for universe.
Baby, mommy can't stand to see you grow...
I already fell in love with he/she
I ll give you my best & hope you will become a great HUMANITY in the future.
pulang kantor, jemput ike ke TA langsung cabut k RS Family
kehamilan g 9 minggu skrg
kalo berdasarkan perhitungan, baby nya bakal lahir tgl 14 November
i can't hardly wait ^^
hasil USG kemaren, babynya udah 2cm & it has heartbeat already...
it was so tiny but I am SO AMAZED
i hope my baby will grow properly & healthy
may it will be PERFECT
God has create it for us & for universe.
Baby, mommy can't stand to see you grow...
I already fell in love with he/she
I ll give you my best & hope you will become a great HUMANITY in the future.
Senin, 05 April 2010
lazy monday
people mostly dont like monday
i dont always hate monday
but since i got pregnant, i became a very lazy lady
all i wanna do is lying all day in my bed
dont like hanging out, dont go to movies, no more mall @ weekend
i really going to be a PIG
after long weekend, going to office is very toughful :(
now, i have to cheer up myself & start working.
Happy working everybody!
i dont always hate monday
but since i got pregnant, i became a very lazy lady
all i wanna do is lying all day in my bed
dont like hanging out, dont go to movies, no more mall @ weekend
i really going to be a PIG
after long weekend, going to office is very toughful :(
now, i have to cheer up myself & start working.
Happy working everybody!
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