3 hari lagi Kei 6 bulan
my little sweet baby is going to be a big baby soon^^
kemarin tgl 27/04/11 Kei pertama kali makan solid food
makan bubur susu pake tepung MPASI BABY BAR
my happiness is seeing Kei grow bigger and improve her ability.
mommy love you Keianna :)
so little time, so much to do
life is present
Kamis, 28 April 2011
Jumat, 04 Februari 2011
it's been long time :)
males bgt tulis blog hehe...
jd aja ga nulis2
update terbaru :
1. Keianna udah 3bulan sekarang...udah bisa ngoceh, jawabin kita ngomong, ketawa2, baru mulai miringin badan..
2. Kemaren Xin chia pertama kei, dapet angpao 975.000 hehe.. mommy tekor si, secara abis 2.500.000 :p
3. baru mulai kerja 3hari sejak cuti melahirkan abis
4. Jan lagi di Jakarta jd kei dititipin :)
5. senang krn kerja sehari doank besok libur lagi hehehe...
jd aja ga nulis2
update terbaru :
1. Keianna udah 3bulan sekarang...udah bisa ngoceh, jawabin kita ngomong, ketawa2, baru mulai miringin badan..
2. Kemaren Xin chia pertama kei, dapet angpao 975.000 hehe.. mommy tekor si, secara abis 2.500.000 :p
3. baru mulai kerja 3hari sejak cuti melahirkan abis
4. Jan lagi di Jakarta jd kei dititipin :)
5. senang krn kerja sehari doank besok libur lagi hehehe...
Senin, 15 November 2010
Keianna Janson
Akhirnya 9 bulan penantian berakhir bahagia tanggal 02 November 2010.
Our lovely baby was born by SC.
We, me & Jan proudly present :
"Keianna Janson"
She was little small, only 2.740 grams & 47cms height.
She is sleeping a lot, only wake up because of dirty diapers or hungry.

Baby Kei, mommy & daddy love you so much.
Our lovely baby was born by SC.
We, me & Jan proudly present :
"Keianna Janson"
She was little small, only 2.740 grams & 47cms height.
She is sleeping a lot, only wake up because of dirty diapers or hungry.
Baby Kei, mommy & daddy love you so much.
Senin, 18 Oktober 2010
latest up date
tgl 12 Oktober 2010 g cek rutin k dr. Hardi Susanto,
baby Kei agak kecil ternyata, hanya 2360gr saja..
dan ternyata karena mata minus g yang cukup parah (terakhir tes minus 7)
g dinyatakan harus ceasar.
Karena ceasar, maka harus dimajukan 2 minggu sebelum due date yg semula dijadwalkan tgl 14 november 2010.
beruntung jg ikut senam hamil yoga tiap sabtu di RS Royal Taruma.
dari konsultasi dan tanya jawab dokter g tau kalo minus di atas 6 sangat beresiko untuk melahirkan normal, karena pd saat ngeden, korne mata bisa copot atau pecah (seramnya...)
makanya pas selasa lalu waktu kontrol g tanya dokter, dokter bilang 1 minggu sebelumnya pasiennya ada yang mata kirinya mengalami pecah kornea karena dia ga kasih tau kalo minus matanya parah..
ya, dokter juga ga nanya
kudunya dokter tanya : ibu matanya minus ga? minus berapa?
hari gini emang kita yg harus proaktif ya...
ya sudahlah, daripada buta (amit2) mending keluar uang banyakan buat ceasar dan siap2 dioperasi (so scary..) trus semoga tar after operasi g cepet kentut & ga gitu nyeri bekas blek nya.. hiks
dokter bilang g bisa choose tanggal, antara 1-4 november, ga ada tanggal bagus..
ya, g mengimani tiap tgl itu bgs d...g udah berdoa yg terbaik untuk Kei.
Jd g putusin ( belum final2 banget ) buat di ceasar tgl 2 november saja..biar Kei sama daddy nya ultah di tanggal yg sama. hehe
tp beda sebulan...
semoga semuanya lancar pd waktunya, amin
baby Kei agak kecil ternyata, hanya 2360gr saja..
dan ternyata karena mata minus g yang cukup parah (terakhir tes minus 7)
g dinyatakan harus ceasar.
Karena ceasar, maka harus dimajukan 2 minggu sebelum due date yg semula dijadwalkan tgl 14 november 2010.
beruntung jg ikut senam hamil yoga tiap sabtu di RS Royal Taruma.
dari konsultasi dan tanya jawab dokter g tau kalo minus di atas 6 sangat beresiko untuk melahirkan normal, karena pd saat ngeden, korne mata bisa copot atau pecah (seramnya...)
makanya pas selasa lalu waktu kontrol g tanya dokter, dokter bilang 1 minggu sebelumnya pasiennya ada yang mata kirinya mengalami pecah kornea karena dia ga kasih tau kalo minus matanya parah..
ya, dokter juga ga nanya
kudunya dokter tanya : ibu matanya minus ga? minus berapa?
hari gini emang kita yg harus proaktif ya...
ya sudahlah, daripada buta (amit2) mending keluar uang banyakan buat ceasar dan siap2 dioperasi (so scary..) trus semoga tar after operasi g cepet kentut & ga gitu nyeri bekas blek nya.. hiks
dokter bilang g bisa choose tanggal, antara 1-4 november, ga ada tanggal bagus..
ya, g mengimani tiap tgl itu bgs d...g udah berdoa yg terbaik untuk Kei.
Jd g putusin ( belum final2 banget ) buat di ceasar tgl 2 november saja..biar Kei sama daddy nya ultah di tanggal yg sama. hehe
tp beda sebulan...
semoga semuanya lancar pd waktunya, amin
Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010
Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010
happy october!
Yatta 10 gatsu ni hairimashita.
Jikan o tatsu no wa hayai da ne...
Ato 3kagetsu mou soro2 shinnen, toshi o toru ne^^
Rainen mo 30dai no obachan ni naru :D
Maa ne, shikata ga nai darou :p
Kyou wa totemo kimochi ga ii,
ichinichijuu kawaranaiyouni oinorishimasu.
Totemo Kamisama ni kansha itashimashite, kyou mo ashita mo itsumo genki de
shiawase na jinsei o tsukurou to omotte imasu.
Ninshin no koto wa mou 33shuukan Itsukakan da yo...
akachan mo ookiku natta.^^
Soro2 okaasan ni narimasu, happy da ne...
Jinsei wa mochiron zenzen kawarimasuga, kore kara mo ii okaasan ni naru you ni
Mochiron, shuujin ni mo ii okusan de, family ni mo ii kyoudai ni natte hoshii.
Minna-san mo itsume ogenki de ne...^^
Jikan o tatsu no wa hayai da ne...
Ato 3kagetsu mou soro2 shinnen, toshi o toru ne^^
Rainen mo 30dai no obachan ni naru :D
Maa ne, shikata ga nai darou :p
Kyou wa totemo kimochi ga ii,
ichinichijuu kawaranaiyouni oinorishimasu.
Totemo Kamisama ni kansha itashimashite, kyou mo ashita mo itsumo genki de
shiawase na jinsei o tsukurou to omotte imasu.
Ninshin no koto wa mou 33shuukan Itsukakan da yo...
akachan mo ookiku natta.^^
Soro2 okaasan ni narimasu, happy da ne...
Jinsei wa mochiron zenzen kawarimasuga, kore kara mo ii okaasan ni naru you ni
Mochiron, shuujin ni mo ii okusan de, family ni mo ii kyoudai ni natte hoshii.
Minna-san mo itsume ogenki de ne...^^
Jumat, 24 September 2010
masa penantian
menanti baby yg bentar lagi akan lahir ke dunia
my lil baby girl
g gampang banget capek akhir2 ini, rasanya sangat ingin segera cuti hehehe
tapi harus menguatkan hati biar tar bisa sama2 baby lebih lama
naik ke lantai 3 capeeeeeeknya bukan main
trus engap2 an n kudu istirahat beberapa waktu...
mungkin krn g kurang olahraga, jadi ya gitu deh hehehe
kemaren k dokter lagi
baby is getting bigger..skrg udah 1795gr
so happy to see her growing, her daddy is so happy too^^
my lil baby girl
g gampang banget capek akhir2 ini, rasanya sangat ingin segera cuti hehehe
tapi harus menguatkan hati biar tar bisa sama2 baby lebih lama
naik ke lantai 3 capeeeeeeknya bukan main
trus engap2 an n kudu istirahat beberapa waktu...
mungkin krn g kurang olahraga, jadi ya gitu deh hehehe
kemaren k dokter lagi
baby is getting bigger..skrg udah 1795gr
so happy to see her growing, her daddy is so happy too^^
Jumat, 17 September 2010
32 weeks
My pregnancy is 32 weeks now..
baby Kei is doing great
last week when i saw doctor, her weight is 1520grams.
I hope everything will run smoothly & I can deliver my baby naturally
God bless me and family
we almost done with the preparation, bought 90% of baby's needs
clothes, baby box, baby tuffle, stroller, car seat, sleeping bag, pillows, blanket & so on..
we have to save & save for delivery cost but i believe that God is good.
He is our shepherd, He knows all we need.
baby Kei is doing great
last week when i saw doctor, her weight is 1520grams.
I hope everything will run smoothly & I can deliver my baby naturally
God bless me and family
we almost done with the preparation, bought 90% of baby's needs
clothes, baby box, baby tuffle, stroller, car seat, sleeping bag, pillows, blanket & so on..
we have to save & save for delivery cost but i believe that God is good.
He is our shepherd, He knows all we need.
Selasa, 07 September 2010
we are moving
we are moving from apartment to new rent house at Tomang Utara
I am glad I have big bed now & feels like home because compare to my apartment the house is much much bigger.
I, Jan and little Kei's room is in 1st floor, Ike's room is in 2nd floor.
Things that I thank God for our new house is :
1. we have big kitchen
2. there are living room
3. a room for Purezento's stuff
4. a room for maid
5. finally working well air conditioner
6. near by my antie's house
Things i missed from my old place :
1. There are no mosquitos
2. Dont need sandals at home
3. If we have problem with water, we just call maintanance
4. So close to toilet ( I wake up at least 2 or 3 times at night to pee )
5. more secure parking lot.
well, everything has good side and bad side right?
btw, tommorow we will have lebaran holiday, yeaaay!
can't wait for Jan to come home
happy holiday everybody!
I am glad I have big bed now & feels like home because compare to my apartment the house is much much bigger.
I, Jan and little Kei's room is in 1st floor, Ike's room is in 2nd floor.
Things that I thank God for our new house is :
1. we have big kitchen
2. there are living room
3. a room for Purezento's stuff
4. a room for maid
5. finally working well air conditioner
6. near by my antie's house
Things i missed from my old place :
1. There are no mosquitos
2. Dont need sandals at home
3. If we have problem with water, we just call maintanance
4. So close to toilet ( I wake up at least 2 or 3 times at night to pee )
5. more secure parking lot.
well, everything has good side and bad side right?
btw, tommorow we will have lebaran holiday, yeaaay!
can't wait for Jan to come home
happy holiday everybody!
Kamis, 12 Agustus 2010
Saigon Trip
8-11 August 2010
members of group :
- me & kei
- jan
- grandma
- chacha
- endro
- maya
- gilda
Vietnam was ok, there is no many tourist spot..
but we visited :
- chu chi tunnel
- ben tamh market ( twice )
- hard rock cafe ho chin minh & debenhams
- big c
- notredame chatedral
- central post office
- several shops
we didn't go to mekong, i don't think that it will be interesting...
vietnam's good points:
- cheap
- so many park at downtown
- quite place
- not so hot
lalu lintas vietnam parah jg kaya jakarta, bnyk bgt motor...
untungnya mobil disana sedikit, jd relatif ga macet...
Jakarta jauuuuuuuuuuh lbh berkembang n pesat, mal di ho chin minh kaya ga laku..
sepi n kecil
but we enjoyed the trip :)
members of group :
- me & kei
- jan
- grandma
- chacha
- endro
- maya
- gilda
Vietnam was ok, there is no many tourist spot..
but we visited :
- chu chi tunnel
- ben tamh market ( twice )
- hard rock cafe ho chin minh & debenhams
- big c
- notredame chatedral
- central post office
- several shops
we didn't go to mekong, i don't think that it will be interesting...
vietnam's good points:
- cheap
- so many park at downtown
- quite place
- not so hot
lalu lintas vietnam parah jg kaya jakarta, bnyk bgt motor...
untungnya mobil disana sedikit, jd relatif ga macet...
Jakarta jauuuuuuuuuuh lbh berkembang n pesat, mal di ho chin minh kaya ga laku..
sepi n kecil
but we enjoyed the trip :)
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